Servicing Philadelphia and surrounding counties

carrion carcass

Dead Animal

Removing dead animals from walls and ceilings can be challenging.  Although this is unfortunate, the removal of the corpse is as important as trapping and removing wildlife for safety reasons. The odors can make your location unbearable. Contact us immediately so we can locate and remove extract the animal.

We specialize in locating and removing dead animals from walls and ceilings.
This common situation can be caused by several reasons.

  • over-the-counter mouse poisons. mice die in areas you can not easily access.
  • Bad trapping methods, when attempting to capture squirrels and other wildlife. Animals becoming trap shy, they will not interact with the trapping device correctly.
  • Closing animal entry holes without evicting the animal with certainty. This behavior causes the animal to panic and fall into wall voids or creates another entry/exit hole.

Locating the dead animal is only the beginning. Removing the animal and treatment for carrion beetles, flies and maggots are necessary. We have serviced several locations residential and commercial.

Call today for help with this pest.
215-253-6019 or 610-624-3196
24hr. Emergency service @ 267-507-iKAG (4524)
*Emergency service rates apply.

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